Barky Pines Animal Rescue
The girls of Troop 4125 lent a hand to Barky Pines Animal Rescue on Saturday, March 16, at the Wellington Equestrian Festival.
Tags: animal rescue, Boys Scouts of America, service project, Troop 4125
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The girls of Troop 4125 lent a hand to Barky Pines Animal Rescue on Saturday, March 16, at the Wellington Equestrian Festival.
Tags: animal rescue, Boys Scouts of America, service project, Troop 4125
On Saturday, March 10, scouts from girls Troop 4125 and boys Troop 125 completed a 5 mile hike for 2nd class rank requirement.
Tags: Boys Scouts of America, Hiking, Troop 4125
As one of the first Scouts BSA girls troops in Gulf Stream Council, Troop 4125 has been featured by the local media which has carried to affiliates across the country. See the links below for the features by the local media.
Tags: Palm Beach Post, Scouts BSA, Troop 4125, WPBF, WPEC, WPTV
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Scouts BSA Girls Troop 4125 was founded February 1, 2019, and we are one of the first girls troops in Gulf Stream Council. We are chartered by Wellington Scouts, Inc., and our home is St. Peter’s United Methodist Church in Wellington which has been the home for Scouts BSA Boys Troop 125 and Cub Scout Pack 125 for over thirty-five years. The girls of Troop 4125 are both proud and excited to experience Scouting, the game with a purpose.
The Scouting program for the girls follows the Scouts BSA program that has been in place for over a hundred years. Patience will be exercised with the girls as they are new to Scouting, but they will be held to the BSA standard of excellence. The girls troop is Scout-led meaning they have the responsibility for the decisions of the troop under the guidance and support of the adult leaders.
Troop 4125 has experienced adult leadership with many adult leaders having served with the boys troop. Our leaders are trained for their positions by meeting the requirements set by BSA, and many of the leaders have attended Wood Badge, the premier adult leadership training in Scouting. Many of our leaders were Scouts in their youth and have been adult leaders for many years.
Troop 4125 currently meets every Tuesday evening at 6:45pm during the school year in the Fellowship Hall at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church. If you are interested in joining our Scouts BSA girls troop, please join us at one of our troop meetings. Our leaders will be happy to tell you about us, and you will have a chance to participate or just observe.