February’s Outing – Horseback Riding at Johnathan Dickinson State Park
Tags: HorsebackRiding, JonathanDickinsonStatePark, Troop4125
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Tags: HorsebackRiding, JonathanDickinsonStatePark, Troop4125
Boy Scouts of America designates Scout Sunday as a day for scouts to show their appreciation to their faith-based chartered organization. Our troop was honored to participate again this year. One of our scout even performed at all three services!
Tags: GulfstreamCouncil, Reverent, ScoutSunday2020, Troop4125
Congratulations on a successful Court of Honor and Happy 1st Birthday to Troop 4125.
Tags: CourtofHonor, Troop4125
Our scouts had a great time camping and canoeing at Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys. They even stopped by Robbie’s on the way home to feed the tarpon.
A scout is reverent! Our scouts had a great day remembering those who served our country.
Tags: Reverent, SouthFloridaNationalCemetery, Troop4125, WreathsAcrossAmerica
These scouts had a great time at SAW earning a total of 15 merit badges.
Tags: GulfstreamCouncil, SAW2019, ScoutAdvancementWeekend, ScoutMeIn
Troop 4125 scouts participated in the Village of Wellington’s Veteran’s Day Parade.
Tags: Reverent, Scouts BSA, Troop 4125
A scout is helpful! This weekend scouts from Troop 4125 distributed Scouting for Food flyers, assisted Troop 125 with the moving of logs for their Christmas tree stand, and participated with Troop 111 in assembling enrichment activities for the puppies at Big Dog Ranch Rescue.
Tags: animal rescue, Boy Scouts of America, Gulfstream Council, service project, Troop 4125
On Saturday, September 14, 2019, our scouts participated in the sixth annual POW-MIA OREE (Outdoor Remembrance and Education Event) at the South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Worth, Florida.
Tags: Boy Scouts of America, Scouts BSA, Troop 4125, WPTV
Our scouts recently enjoyed a weekend campout with three other all female troops representing three districts within Gulfstream Council. On Saturday morning, some scouts worked towards earning their Swimming merit badges. Those who had already earned Swimming worked on their Lifesaving merit badges (both Eagle required.) In the afternoon, the adult leaders and more accomplished scouts helped the newer scouts with rank requirements. The scouts finished off the evening with a nature walk through Tanah Keeta. All of the scouts had a fabulous time and we look forward to more activities with our sisters in scouting!
Tags: Boys Scouts of America, Gulfstream Council, lifesaving merit badge, merit badges, Scouts BSA, sisters in scouting, swimming, Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation, Troop 4125